Beyond Giving Tuesday – Make a more impactful gift

Your philanthropic dollars are powerful, give them wisely. Whether you have hundreds or millions to give to a nonprofit, everyone is emotionally attached to their money and want to know they are contributing to progress.

With so much crammed into the days leading up to #GivingTuesday and the end of the year, philanthropy and giving decisions can be rushed, and dare we say gimmicky. It is ok to pause and reflect on why you are giving, what you want to support, and how your gift will impact the world and benefit people, animals, and/or the planet. 

Before you give, ask the following:

What matters most to you

  • What are your core values?

  • How do you want to involve your family, colleagues, employees, etc.?

  • Where do you want to focus your giving - Justice, equity, animals, international, national, local, food security, education, religion, disaster, and so many more specific giving opportunities?

  • Has your focus and interest shifted? It’s ok to stop giving to organizations that you’ve given to previously.

  • What legacy do you want to create and leave for future generations?

  • How do you want to feel the impact of your gift? 

Gather the facts

Do a bit of homework to determine legitimacy of the organization(s) you’re considering.

Look on the organization’s website for their financials (990, audited statements, impact numbers).  

How does the organization talk about the community it serves?

If you’ve given to this organization before, how do they treat you as a donor? Do they forget about you after you give? Do they share the impact of your gift?

Overhead rate isn’t the best judge of character. Remember nonprofits are businesses that are expected to sustain themselves, to grow, and to do good in the world. If the organization isn’t paying their staff a fair and livable wage, you’re contributing to inequity. If they’re not running an effective business then how will they achieve the impact, vision and mission - your donation is wasted.


How do you want to be involved with your philanthropy?

Understand the opportunities for engagement. If you want to give money and volunteer your time, take time to understand what’s needed and what’s possible. Trust the organization to share their needs with you, and learn how you want to be involved.


Dig deeper

Schedule a call with the organization’s finance team – does their investment strategy align with their mission, vision, and values?

Explore information provided by nonprofit watchdogs like Candid (formally GuideStar), Charity Navigator, Better Business Bureau Standards for Charity Accountability, Great Nonprofits.


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